Certified Mango Exporter

SMGE- Sindh Mango Growers & Exporters works in collaboration with six partners that are certified mango producers. Our partners are in different districts of Sindh own 1200 acres of mango orchards with more than 5000 tons of production, other than that there are 5 packhouses. These partners are the growers who are internationally certified by the Global Gap, GRASP, & HACCP. An annual audit of all the farms & the facilities is carried out by these internationally recognized programs. We have been exporters of fresh premium quality Pakistani mangoes worldwide since 2011.

We deliver Sindhri, Chaunsa, Dasheri, Siroli, Sunehra & Fajri in Pakistan & worldwide, in the bulk. Our farm fresh premium quality mangoes are delivered to Middle East countries (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Behrain, Oman), European countries (UK, Germany, Netherlands, Italy), UAE, China, South Korea, Australia & Canada, by air and by sea.

All the SMGE farm partners hold a place in database of certifications given below,

The Global G.A.P. (Global Good Agriculture Practice)

This is an internationally leading farm assurance program begun from EUREPGAP back in 1997.

It makes sure that the agriculture practices that are followed by growers & cultivators are producing safe and healthy to eat crop, environment friendly, and keeping the health and safety of workers (welfare) in the account.

The global GAP conducts announced and unannounced audits on the producers’ farms and if the farms meet their pre-defined standards, they will be updated in their online database. All six partners are certified by the Global GAP.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point)

The HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point) are the internationally implemented techniques of maintaining the safety and food health standard throughout the supply chain. It ensures that all the microbiological, physical, and chemical characteristics of food products are maintained and kept under critical conditions.

HACCP implementation detects & monitors the materials and facilities thus reduces the chance of consumer complaints and issues regarding potential hazards and human errors.

GRASP (Global Risk Assessment on Social Practices)

The GRASP is the add-on of Global GAP which is the ready-made module to assess social practices on farms that revolve around the health, safety & welfare of workers.


Phytosanitary certification assures that the consignment is inspected by the Department of Plant Protection, Pakistan. It inspects the product consignment at the seaport or airport before being shipped.